SHAmanic, SHAmoney & Divine Calling
Universal Consciousness - Breaking the Matrix - Satoshi & The Maximalist
Hello folks,
It seems like a lifetime ago since I sent you anything… despite a setback I had a year ago, I have been busy and am picking up steam once more
Along with the laser cut art I’m now working with a developer building code on the Lightning Network and extending further the concept I came up with for… the project website for this is
This is an evolving project and I’ll update you as things progress
So moving on… it’s that time of year again… Bitcoin Miami
One of the themes that has really come about in the last couple of years is that of philosophy and spirituality… you don’t change Bitcoin, Bitcoin changes you right?
It seems as though the Bitcoin conversation has elevated beyond money and economics… Bitcoin has indeed made many people think about what it means to be human
We even joke that Bitcoin is becoming a Religion… we’re just kidding though… aren’t we? ;o)
I personally believe in the Universal Consciousness and wanted to do a piece on this so when Tomer Strolight ask me if I would make a piece for his book cover it was a total no brainer, an easy “YES!”
I’ve also wanted to explore and celebrate Maximalism… why does it even exist… is it a bunch of crazed cultist geeks or the greatest humanitarian movement in history?
So the pieces I’m sending to Miami this year are my nod to this evolving area of Bitcoin.
Without further ado, here they are:
Divine Calling - Breaking the Matrix - Satoshi and The Maximalist
Universal Consciousness - SHAmanic & SHAmoney
All 4 pieces will be on show at Bitcoin Miami and will be auctioned through
If you see my posts on twitter, please do like and reshare them… that little blue bird has given me a shadow ban so they barely see the light of day now
I hope you’re all doing well and maybe one day will meet you in person at a conference.
Till next time,